But the one thing that spoke to me most while I was this acquaintance/friend was that she had this genuine interest in what was going on in my walk and my faith. I have never had or met anyone who has asked me, "so how has your walk been? What have you been learning or reading?" It broke my heart. It made me feel bad because I haven't been in the word like I should. Don't get me wrong though, God, has been working on my heart. I haven't felt like I have been growing. I haven't always felt His presence. I know that I am no less of a Christian. God is always working on me and others. I know that God will never desert me. But knowing and feeling are not the same thing. I want to persue. It's been awhile though.....
You know I been surrounded by fellow Christians and friends (or so I thought) who never asked about my Christian life. Granted neither did I. So do I expect them to if I in return don't? No. I dont and never did. Perhaps that was part of not feeling connected to my fellow brother/sister where I was. Because there was no interest in what was going on. Sure we have had conversations but nothing directly "what has God been doing in your life?" And I was just blown away by this. That someone who barely knows me, was interested. Interested in my walk, interested in my growth. I was in awe that this woman has so much compassion for me. It makes me want to strive to have that same level of compassion.
This woman and her husband have been such a blessing in our life. I am so happy to see Eric really getting excited about his faith and growth. This couple is so wonderful I praise God for placing them in our lives. And this woman has really made me want to better myself. So, I brought my bible to work to read on my lunch breaks and my new found friend asked me if I would like her to hold me accountable. Which at 1st I was a little nervous and uncomfortable to do that. However, the more I think about it, I think it sounds like a good idea. And crazier yet? She wants ME to ask her about what she has been reading or learning. ME?! Yes me. It just blows me away, that there are people out there like this. I think there should be more people like this. I think we as Christians should all strive to be like this. Active within each other's lives. To build, encourage, cheer on, be a support, to let you know when maybe you are not walking the path (in a non-judgemental way, as it is not our place to judge but God's), and then help you get back/keep on the path. Pray with, and for.
Something to think about........
--End Transmission
*Currently listening to: Superchic[k]
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