Good evening. It's been awhile. There are a few things that just dont understand and for one they just bug the bejeezus out of me. So let's get to it.
1) I dont understand drinking to the point of getting drunk, at any age. You dont look cool. It doesnt make you cool. In fact it makes you look silly, foolish and just plain stupid. I think drinking to the point of getting drunk, shows a lack maturity. And when you start having kids and get wasted, to me, it shows a lack judgement and responsibility. Now, I dont have a problem with having a drink or two of alcohol of your choice. I, myself like to have a drink when I go out to dinner. I might buy a bottle of wine so that I can have a glass here or there at dinner. I dont mind going out with friends for drinks. I usually have one drink that I drink all night long. It's when you make the effort or a conscience decision to get drunk, wasted. Then get to the point of blacking out, not remembering what happened. It's foolish. Is it worth it? Really? Because I dont think so. On New Year's eve, there were two girls that took a piss in my yard. Yes. That's right. I could tell they had been drinking by the way they walked, their extra exuberant giggles. I mean seriously? Who does that? Stupid! These girls were so stupid. Not to mention, disrepectful. Everyone ALWAYS makes poor decisions when they get drunk. And when you have a family and get wasted, what example are you showing to your kids? What kind of role model are you being? Now, Im not talking about a one time mistake. I did once. I will never do it again. Im talking about people who do this often, whether it's daily, or weekly, monthly, or whenever. Whenever you drink, you get drunk. I dont get it! This is my opinion.
2) People who talk about things they know nothing about. It drives me nuts when people get involved in things they know nothing about and then tell others what they should be doing. For example, guns. I know that is a very hot topic right now. But, it fits in with what I am talking about. Me, personally, I don't like guns, but I do understand and respect our constitutional right for guns. It was written into our constitution for the people's (individuals) right to protect themselves against the government or others. It wasnt written because it protected the right for people to hunt. And people want to debate the wording of "the Militia". When you actually take a look back into our U.S. history (my mom would be so proud of me) the militia was the people. They were the farmers, the rich, the poor, judges, lawyers, shop owners, business men, maybe some politicians, but they were anyone willing to fight for their freedom and liberty. "A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves ... and include all men capable of bearing arms."
- Richard Henry Lee.
So to celebrities or politians who chastise law-abiding citizens in owning guns, I just want to smack them in the forehead (like those V8 commercials) for their stupidity when they themselves are surrounded by people armed with guns. That's right surround yourself with people with the ability to protect you but chastise those who desire the right to protect themselves and their family. And let's look at this: gun control laws are only going to inhibit law-abiding citizens, not criminals or those determined to break the law. They dont care about the law regardless of the limitations placed. I could go on and on, but I dont want to saturate you and diminish the importantance of this. To my point at the beginning, it drives me nuts when people (politians, celebrities in particular) sticks their noses into things they dont know and then begin to tell others what they should be doing. It also makes me mad that people are dumb enough to believe these people or think that what these people say JUST because they are rich and famous. NO! *smacks forehead* I will end this point with a great point and so absolutely true: "To disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them." - George Mason
3) My last thing, has to do with a radio commercial I heard advertising testosterone. It went to go on about how having low testosterone makes you less of a man. That masculinity is only the direct result of how much testosterone one might have. True enough, testosterone is the predominant hormone that is produced by men and what define key biological factors of a male. But masculinity is not soley defined by testosterone. It doesnt make you less of a man. Masculinity is defined by being a strong, godly man. A guy willingly to stick to and stand up for his beliefs and morals. A man who is selfless and willing to put needs of others (especially their families) above their own. Someone who is willing to make their own decisions and are not easily persuaded by others. Personally, men who still believe in chivalery. To me, these are what defines masculinity. Does that have anything to do with a hormone? Absolutely not! Let me ask you a question? Am I any less of a woman or do I lack any femininity because I have low progesterone (a hormone produced soley by women)? Am I? No. No, because I am not defined by this hormone. I cannot stand this commercial.
Now you may disagree with me on any and all points. That's fine. You are entitled to your opinion, just as I am entitled to my own, and these are just merely my opinions. I thank you for your time in reading this.
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